Since Paul makes it clear that there is only one baptism in Eph 4:5, why is there such a hullabaloo over baptisms? If Paul says there is only one then…

Paul says there is one baptism (Eph 4:5). No one dare make that water baptism since Paul clearly makes it baptism by the Spirit in 1 Cor 12:13 and Gal…

This question is often asked in order to undermine mystery truths revealed to Paul. Do not let it trouble you. Paul himself explains why. Baptism is Jewish, and Paul was…

When most people think of baptism what comes to their minds first is baptism into water. However, water baptism is just one baptism mentioned in the Bible. To understand the…

“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” – 1 Cor…

Only if you are ignorant of the revelation of the mystery. The church is divided into a hundred different camps regarding this extremely controversial subject. Unfortunately, they are all ignorant…

 “If water baptism has no part in God’s program in the dispensation of grace that was given to Paul, why was he himself baptized?”  That’s the question that grace believers often…

Water baptism is associated with John who the Bible calls “the Baptist.” He was a prophet sent to the nation of Israel. Water baptism was part of the “gospel of the kingdom” and…

No, it is not a requirement for salvation today according to the Bible (rightly divided)! The water baptism is a ministry to Israel and according to Mark 1:4; Acts 2:38;…

It is a common mistake to think that water baptism is superior today to other baptisms in the Bible. However, the Bible mentions many baptisms and our one baptism does…

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